Injury Reporting & Workers' Compensation
All employee injuries should be reported to Enterprise Risk Management immediately by following the steps below. Workers’ compensation ("WC") is the University's exclusive response to medical costs for work-related injuries.
Non-employee injuries can be reported to Enterprise Risk Management in a timely manner by following the steps below.
Other common search terms for workers' compensation: worker's compensation, workman's compensation, workmans compensation, workers compensation.
Employee Report of Injury (English) Employee Report of Injury (Español)
All employee injuries must be reported. Employees must:
- Sign a copy of the WC Medical Providers list (disponible en Español).
- Complete the Employee Report of Injury form (disponible en Español).
- Submit it within 24 hours of the injury occurring.
Seeking medical treatment is optional, but if an employee is going to seek medical treatment and wants it covered by workers' compensation insurance, the employee must go to a provider listed on the WC Medical Providers list.
Please review the Procedures for Employees (disponible en Español).
All employee injuries must be reported. Supervisors must:
- Give the injured employee the WC Medical Providers list at the time of the injury, unless it is a life-threatening/serious injury. (List in Spanish.)
- Conduct a thorough investigation to determine if injury could have been prevented, if additional training is necessary, etc.
- Fill out the Supervisor's Report.
- Submit the Employee's Report of Injury, Supervisors Report, and a signed copy of the WC Medical Providers list to within 24 hours of the injury occurring.
Please review the Procedures for Supervisors.
DU Students Completing Unpaid Internships
The University of Denver’s workers’ compensation insurance covers DU students for work-related injuries sustained while working in unpaid internship positions, except for in OH, ND, WA, or WY.
Paid internships, and internships in OH, ND, WA, or WY, are not covered by DU's workers' compensation insurance, and students should talk to their agency prior to accepting the internships to see if they are covered by their agency's workers' compensation insurance.
All injuries that occur while completing fieldwork should be reported. Seeking medical treatment is optional, but if you want your medical treatment to be covered by workers' compensation insurance, you must seek treatment at an approved medical provider. DU's approved medical providers are listed on the WC Medical Providers list.
Unpaid student interns must:
- Review & sign a copy of the WC Medical Providers list (student reviews & signs).
- Complete the Employee Report of Injury form (student fills out).
- Your internship supervisor needs to fill out the Supervisor's Report (agency supervisor fills out).
- Submit these three forms to within 24 hours of the injury occurring.
- Notify your DU supervisor or director so that they are also aware of the injury.
Please review the Procedures for Employees.
DU students injured while working in paid internships and all internships in OH, ND, WA, or WY: If you are covered by your agency's workers' compensation insurance, you must follow their reporting procedures. Paid internship positions (excluding off-campus work-study positions) are not covered by DU’s workers’ compensation insurance; however, you do still need to report your injury to DU by notifying your DU supervisor or director and
Non-Employees (students, volunteers, and visitors)
Any non-employee injuries can be reported using the Non-Employee Report of Injury form. Reporting of non-employee injuries is not required, but timely reporting can be helpful if any concerns need to be addressed.
Please fill out the Non-Employee Report of Injury form and submit it to to If you have any photos, please also attach those to your email.